Polytron MTC Slashes Windmill Gearbox Temperature, Vibration and Noise for a Grain Company in India
Skathi Murugan Agro Foods Ltd. Avinashi, Tamil Nadu, India
Products Used
Polytron MTC (Metal Treatment Concentrate)
The Challenge
Murugan Agro processes hundreds of metric tons of wheat per day to manufacture flour for baked goods ranging from bread to pastries. The company operates fourteen 250kW and 320kW three-bladed windmills to power its milling operations. The difficulty of accessing windmill gearboxes combined with the extreme climate of central India created a maintenance challenge, as did the importance of keeping the mechanism as vibration-free as possible so each windmill operates within design parameters.
Murugan used 100 percent synthetic oil in its gearboxes but found that vibration, excessive heat and noise continued to pose a threat to operational efficiency.

The Polytron Solution
For seven months, Murugan utilized a blend of mineral oil and Polytron MTC in its three 320kW windmills, resulting in a sustained and significant reduction in gearbox noise, vibration and temperature. The results were so satisfactory Murugan has expanded the use of Polytron MTC and mineral oil to ALL of its windmills.
Customer Feedback
“We find the performance of Polytron MTC to be highly commendable and we are pleased to announce that we have expanded its use to all of our windmill gearboxes,” said Joint Managing Director for SAKTHI MURUGAN AGRO FOODS PVT. LTD. “We are grateful for this excellent product and strongly recommend the use of Polytron technologies in the production environment.”
Supporting document is available upon request.